Good Acts application for tax exemption status in 2016 – Nonprofit Corporation in the State of Texas.
“NO VETERAN LEFT BEHIND” is our goal for housing, proper medical treatment, and mental health maintenance for our Service Members.

Gregory Lee West | Founder | Good Acts LLC
As of November 27th, 2017 the Founder, and solo member of Good Acts LLC is currently seeking “residence” outside the state of Texas. Good Acts LLC does not believe that supporting the Tax heavy economy of Texas is in the best interest of any of the residents, much less the Veteran population of 1.7 Million in that state alone.
Definition of compliance:
1 a: the act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion
- Patient compliance in completing the treatment regimens was excellent. —Georgia A. Chrousos
b : conformity in fulfilling official requirements
- His actions were in compliance with state law.
2 : a disposition to yield to others
3 : the ability of an object to yield elastically when a force is applied : flexibility