I have tried to enroll in the Veterans Choice Care program due to my moving recently. The phone call went un-answered for 28 minutes.
I have previously called to be pre-enrolled in the Veterans Choice Program (on 2/12/15), but I assume that enrollment never happened. Here is that Call:
This presents a problem that has plagued the VA system for years, but now with this lack of fulfillment in getting Veterans Help, we have to find a solution.
Our proposal is this: When you initiate a program and don’t have the ability to connect the user or client to the services, you have to spend the time and effort to call each and every veteran who received a card and ask them what needs are not being met by the VA and schedule the necessary appointments there after.
This does not sound very doable, however neither does 28 minutes of NON answered calls when a Veteran asks for help, for service the VA was giving to him previously, two hours away. There are answers, and unfortunately they were not on the other end of this phone call to a Hospital.