is a not for profit project that provides information to those needing to receive help.
We try and focus on helping Veterans and their families with the motto of: No Veteran Left Behind.
There are various forms of assistance that are available to those in dire straits, but we want to help keep people out of emergency help. Before assistance is requested to outside entities, we do our best to verify all of the information provided to us.
The Veterans support network in the civilian side of life should be ever growing while producing leaders, teachers, mentors and helpers of all various types.
We would like to reunite that sense of purpose that we once had while serving in the Military, with our sense of duty to our home front. Our communities need to see more accessible veterans who can wave hello and communicate positive messages of self reliance and self governance. Be the leadership you would like to see.
Good Acts LLC is a 100% Veteran owned Texas Limited Liability Company
Founded by Gregory Lee West in March of 2016.
Good Acts LLC
1410 Valley View Dr.
Suite 314-316
Delta, Co. 81416